{{temperature}} °C Dubai
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The Plate Number is either registered with another authority or invalid
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Fine Payment
{{item.fineDate | momentFormat}}
{{item.location |ifEmpty:'-'}}
{{item.fineAmount | finePriceFormat:"":langKey}}
The Plate Number is either registered with another authority or invalid or has no penalties
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{{model.splInvoice.Date | momentFormat}}
{{model.InvoiceApplicationDate | momentFormat}}
{{model.splInvoice.Amount | finePriceFormat:"":langKey}}
{{item.TotalAmount | finePriceFormat:"":langKey}}
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{{service.ServiceName.substring(0, 26)}}... {{service.ServiceName}}
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Dubai Maritime Authority
117774 Dubai, UAE
Toll-Free Number: 800 990
Fax: +971 4 3452234
E-mail: info@PCFC.ae